Miley Cyrus, Truly A Good-Girl Gone Bad?

We all know who Miley Cyrus is. She's that oh so confident pop star who's currently sweeping the nation with her cute little songs and double personality, also known as Hannah Montana. She's been considered as the good girl for so long, but can she keep it up? Well apparently not. Lately, she's been caught up in the scandal of some pretty personal pictures. They had caused quite the uproar. Posting pictures of yourself half naked on your Myspace account probably wasn't the smartest idea, especially when so many of her fans are little girls who truly are impressionable. She's got everybody asking the question, Has the good girl truly gone bad? We've all got opinions and not many agree. I can understand why some people have been freaking out, I mean who wants their kids idolizing someone who posts near-nude pics of herself on a public site when the majority of her fans have yet to reach puberty. But in my personal opinion I don't think it was a big deal, sure she shouldn't have done it but we should be happy she still had clothes on, no matter how little.

I'm personally very interested in what others think about the subject. Comment with your thoughts?

(This was written like a year ago, I just found it and thought I'd post it.)
January 10th, 2010 at 11:49pm