My 'Friend'

I've been really disappointed by someone who I classed as a friend. I knew he had anger problems but this time he took things to far.
I know the rest of the school class the 'group' as freaks, but that's just the way we roll.

Chatterjee, a boy in our year who has speech problems. Yes he can be slightly annoying sometimes, but we all can. He's generally a really nice guy who tries really hard to be friends with all of us and all he can say is,

"1) What the fuck is so high and mighty about chatergee? He's a dick. note the full stop. and yet he is without fail invited to everything and (out of spite) I refuse to spend MY social life and MY money and MY happy memories with that spastic, slow retarded lemon. "

And what are normal teenagers, those who go out get pissed and can't remember anything the next day? If you can't have fun without alcohol when you're with your friends, then they're not really good friends are they. Don't you want to be able to remember the times you spend with us or do you actually not like us that much? And the card thing, why does it bother you so much, I know it can get a bit annoying but you're never even in the same room as them when they play it.

"2) What the fuck happened to NORMAL TEENAGERS? I ask this because none of you will touch a drop of alcohol with mates cos your all scared your gonna start drinking fucking cider on parks or some shit like that. and none of you do the crazy teen things that are considered normal. you frown on anything abnormal yo your routine which is considered abnormal by everything else. None of you can honestly say they've gone to the club with mates or hooked up with that fit bird/guy at the bar cos you dont give it a chance. A lot of you are too busy involved in bits of silly paper. Which brings me nicely onto that point. Why? I mean why do you sit and spend all your time and money now on silly cards? Nostalgia? C'mon. I have regressions but i do not eat, sleep, live nostalgia. I do not start a convo with "ooo i got a combo to beat your deck." Thats not nostalgia, thats plane autism. My 8 year old brother plays those. Yes i compare 17 year olds to 8 year olds. The classic teenage life has been brutely left by you guys cos of ur morals and plane idiocy. teen sleepover = bit of drink, nothing silly, and fun and extremes eg gaffer tape someone to the bed silly stuff."

You're telling us off for bitching about people.... Look at your first point.

"3) leave people alone! you are all so bitchy. oooo so and so did this and "I" dont approve. neither do "I" srsly who gives a fuck. if your gonna bitch do it right. its "oh youll never guess who she got off with last nite" "who" "jimmy!" "oh but hes goin out with lisa" "i know" dont go into the fucking morals of it and why its not justifiable and make people feel like crap for it afterwards. Let bygones be bygones and stop justifying/disapproving of EVERYTHING people do. your 17 not fucking 40 wanting to settle down have kids etc etc"

And try organising about 25 people like this,

"i take on board and accept that but still the issue i feel is that good time for us involves planning, lists, dates, whos coming, shortlists, arguments over that etc etc. then cos its all detaily orginised people dont be as spontanous as we should be. drinking, albeit not accepted by people, is the kind of spontinuity that im talkin about. 'you wanna go get a drink' 'yeah sure when?' 'tonite' 'cool' quick simple easy. with this group it would be:

Trip to the pub
feb 21st ok im orginising a trp to the golden lion. it will be a meet up in town at half seven and we will walk there. here is the website ... this is the time :7.30- 10.00
whos interested:

going not going"

It's not going to work.

You have pissed off so many people, I wont be suprised if some of them don't talk to you again.
January 12th, 2010 at 10:57pm