Lust for Life

Its interesting the directions life randomly takes you. I’ve come to terms recently that the best way to approach it is to just kick back and let it guide you.

Last night it guided me two hours away to the college town of Chapel Hill with a group of my closest friends. We started our evening at the most randomly decorated pizza joint ever. There were posters of cowboys above our “I Love N.Y.,” tables and a sad looking Santa doll hung between the bathrooms.

Half way thru our evening I jumped into traffic to avoid a homeless man (vehicular dodge ball or be hassled for money… I think I chose wisely). Later, the same homeless man popped out of an alley like those plant monster things popped out of the tubes in Mario, yelling “Give me money,” as we passed by. He then instructed my friend’s boy to “get on that,” or he would. Ah, those pesky vagabonds.

The end of the night found all of us in a n old theatre -- gearing up to watch Casablanca with our cups of beer we somehow managed to convince the bartender we were old enough to purchase. One of my friends looked over to me before the film started and stated “This fucking rocks.”

It fucking did.

I had no expectations for that day what-so-ever when I woke up that morning.

Like I said -- its interesting the directions life will randomly take you. Where did it take you today?
January 21st, 2010 at 07:48am