
its been way too long since i've written in you. ok friday night was not exciting at all. But on saturday i went to ashley's (she is my best friend in the entire world), we were on our way to the mall, throught the snow cause ashley has to be difficult!!! sop we got high (were bad kids) and we went inside. the mall is so amazing, so many cute guys, and its so lively!!!!! me and ashley must have walked around the mall a billion times!!!! and everytime we went to use the escillator it felt like we were sliding through jell-o, that was really it for that day, ok on sunday i went bowling (high of course) and i got three strikes *yes so manly* afterwards we went for pizza. this really cute guy kept starring at me but no digits to report. and monday i stayed after school *the cold hurt so bad* but we made youtube videos ^__^ lol they are so funny, today as of now i'm in global and it feels like nick's eyes are burning holes in the back of my brain right through the back of my skull... oh yeah and on sunday i started talking to this kid adam but i cant talk about him now G2G

: justin
January 24th, 2010 at 06:07pm