:D You know what I think?

I think alot of things, it's true.
But right now, I think you should all go look at my poems (lyrics) and gimme feedback :D
I would love you dearly.
And I would also do anything you asked of me.
Whether that be taken as reading storys, or sexually ;D
Naw, I'm kidding.
But I will read something of yours if you read my poems/lyrics?
And Give me feedback?
Pretty please?
I knew you'd come around.

Anyways, I am on my way to France..
Apperently I might be moving there.. Soon D:
Which sucks!
I don't want to eat frogs, wear stripy shirts and berets -_-
Sympathize me?
As I have noone to talk to right now.
I also think you should add me so we can talk *nod*
Lotsa lovee from Jack :]
January 30th, 2010 at 11:06am