You Scared Me There For A Second....

I had just written my first chapter on this site, right after I joined and I went back to jazz up my profile. A Criss Angel layout? Yes Please!
I look at my profile and AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! How did I already get 13 comments?! I didn't even do anything yet! All my other accounts on other websites have had zero to no attention. On Quizilla it could take your whole life to get one measly read. Wattpad's a little better.... I think.... but not much and then there's Mibba....
I just start and.... BAM! Comment! You people make me happy! I think I love you in a non creepy and obsessive way.... unless.... you want me to love you that way.....
Sorry I'm over excited and hyper.... oh god no! Don't leave now!
Love ya,
February 16th, 2010 at 02:14am