Plastic Beach!!!

As most of you know, I am the biggest Gorillaz fan to ever exist. It had started four years, nine months, and eleven days ago. A more in-depth report resides on my profile.

Well, the world-famous animated band has anounced their new album, Plastic Beach which is to come out on 8 March this year.

Why is this so spectacularly, fantastically, orgasmically awe-inspiring? Back in April 2006, they played a show at the Apollo theatre in New York that literally set standards. It was supposed to be a last show, a finale, a final goodbye. The disappearance of the small guitarist, Noodle, was in a way a confirmation of the end or a kind of finality.

Now they're back with a new album that I just learned about last night thanks to my amazing boyfriend who reads a lot. Without the internet I am completely out of touch with the world! I would have known about this months ago! T-T

The countdown begins, Mibbians! 8 March, 2010 will be a very happy day, indeed.
February 16th, 2010 at 08:33pm