Bodies...The Exhibition

Art and science all mixed together, what kind of mayhem can occur?
Nothing but just about the coolest exhibit I’ve ever been to.

Field trips are fun, eh? Most definitely.

Although, the baby fetuses in the little jars was disturbing and almost made me cry, it was amazing.
Did you know that one pack of cigarettes takes off three hours and 40 minutes of your life?
Black lungs aren’t too attractive, and they even had a box to get rid of your cigarettes to go towards quitting. Although, I doubt those that put theirs in will quit.

It’s really creepy and almost sickening to know that all the bodies used are actual remains of humans.
And that some of the corpses weren’t identified, so they were just donated.
I think I love that place. Hehe(:
It was totally fascinating to see the bodies in different positions and sliced into slides of where things are at in your body.
The veins of your arms and face were epic. Like, downright fantastic. It looked like really skinny silly string was sprayed all over it. Plus the fact that the skull had messed up teeth was amusing; imperfection is awesome.
The eyes in some of the bodies were freaky to look at though. And on one person they had the eyeball cut in half, oh my goodness it was weird but cool all at the same time.
One of those ‘you don’t wanna look too long or you’ll freak out’ types of things.

I know there’s a lot of controversy over the subject, what are your opinions on the whole thing?
February 18th, 2010 at 04:07am