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Of all the things I question in life, I have one answer in my mind. All you need is that one person who keeps you going, that one person who manages to take all the pain away. It amazes me that the one person who stays with you through everything, makes you forget all about the others who didn’t; a single soul out of the billions in the world can make you feel like you are the world to him. Life is only worth living if there is someone worth living for. You need that someone who fills the empty space in your heart, someone who lets you know how wonderful you are. I hope everyone finds that someone who makes their days worthwhile.

Girls are superheroes. Who else could bleed for weeks and not die?

I don'’t know what it is about you. Maybe it’s the way nothing else matters when we’re talking, or how you make me smile more than anyone else has. It could be the way that you say the exact right things at exactly the right time. But whatever it is, I just want you to know that it means everything to me.

Everyday I see you, I fall in love with you all over again. You are my best friend, my world, my soulmate, my everything. You are the greatest boyfriend anyone could ever ask for, and I hope I can call you mine forever.

My heart longs to tell you how I feel towards you. I wish I could tell you just how much you have touched me. Just how much you have taught me. Just how much you’ve made me happy. Just how when you hold me, my body tingles. Just how when you smile at me, it touches my heart in such a way that no one else can ever come close to. Just how the way you love me makes me want to be a better person. Just the way I want nothing more than to be able to hold you everyday of my life, and how that alone would be enough. But, I can’t tell you all these; the way I truly feel them, because there aren’t enough words in this world that can truly explain just how I love you.
February 21st, 2010 at 05:41pm