Wow... Just Wow.

Nate: Awww... He is sedating her!!!
Mom and me: .... *exchange glances.*
Me: You mean serenading?
Mom: *laughs*
Me: Yes Nate, that is how you get a girl... you sedate them.
Mom and me: *laughing*

**Nate looks confuse**
Nate: Wait... whats sedating mean then?

Mom: Try... DATE RAPE!!! Idiot.

Everyone: *Laughing asses off*

This is one of the many interesting convos that goes on in my house... just saying...

Now I am just going to fill it with a bunch of nonsense because apparently your journal has to be at least one hundred words long.... Who knew that? Cause I didn't... until now...

Just saying...
February 22nd, 2010 at 06:50am