I need a hobby and some inspiration

I need a hobby. Like, a sports hobby, not writing. I haven't written anything lately anyway. I don't know why I jut cant think of anything good to make into a poem. I stopped updating my stories about a month ago. I don't know why I wanted to have my "brother" continue them for me, but then I decided that I wanted to, but I never did.
I'm thinking about just dropping them completely, but something tells me not to.
I think it's the same something that tells me not to put up a profile picture. I think I'm just paranoid that someone will steel it and then I'll have that to worry about.
Not that I'm that pretty, but I'm not calling myself ugly ether. My self esteem is very level, I think.
I think to much, too. I thought to much in school and got the problem wrong. I don't know how that's possible, but it happened.
I'm thinking, maybe, if I make a one shot, I'll somehow get inspired to keep my stories going, or make a poem.
So, anyway, back to the hobby thing. I'm thinking boxing. My first am thing was today, and when I brought it up, she said it was a good way to get rid of anger.
But DJ boxes and he's always sore, and people are scared of him. So I'm still not sure what to do.
So, I'm still in that spelling and grammar thing with Aaron. We ether have to make something with perfect spelling and grammar, or we have to help Tiffany make something with perfect spelling and grammar. Tiffany has really bad spelling.
So tell me if I spelled anything wrong please.
February 27th, 2010 at 01:19am