Well I can`t be bothered.

Sitting in tables of the library.


To be honest, I'm pretty much okay with gossiping...what I hate is when people are so ignorant or oblivious that they gossip or to say bad things about your friends. I throw a b*tch fit when that happens. It's the worst thing you can do around me to be honest.


Not throw a tantrum at least but at the point of telling them, directly to their face "Stfu b*tch." Everyone has opinions but still it's annoying when they make up stuff.

Most of my friends know this but I can be a big b*tch. Most of the time I laugh at everything which makes up for it but sometimes it gets annoying. I hate how my friend thinks I'm a dumba** because of it. As if she has to teach me subjects. There's a difference between being smart and getting high grades. When you're smart you have perfect logic and can easily solve things and such but getting high grades is when you have to be hardworking. Most of the time though people who get high grades are smart + hardworking but my friend, to be honest, is just hardworking. Very hardworking. What annoys me how she acts as if she understands philosophy.

funny how she got mostly everything about philosophy wrong.

Anyways~ bored here. :3c
March 3rd, 2010 at 12:04pm