Oh Hello! I didn't see you there!

Sooo, I'm new to this whole Mibba thing. And by new, I mean clueless.

I'm not really a "writer", per say, but this looks interesting.
I mean, I wirte song lyrics, but that's about it.
I have about 12 songs stuffed in the corner of my drawer.
I'll probably put them on here, in the Poem section. SInce there isn't a "Song Lyrics" Section.

I reeeeally want to write a story though. Like, it's not even funny how bad i want to. But I want to write WITH someone first, so I can get the hang of it. (Co-write anyone?) HOLLA IF YOU DO! :)

BUT, for the co-write, I have a few conditions:
-I will not, I repeat WILL NOT write about Vampires, Werewolves, Shapeshifetrs, etc. No, No, No, No, NO. I refuse.
-I'm not doing any fan-fics either. For some reason, they reeeeally creep me out. :P
-You have to have a pretty wide vocabulary; I like people with a vast knowledge of words. :)

So if you want, message me & we can get started! I have a few ideas, but I'd LOVE to hear what you have in mind :)
March 4th, 2010 at 03:59am