Do you ever get that feeling?

Where no matter what you do… you won’t get anywhere.

I feel like I am going nowhere.

I’m on full speed

but on a hamsterwheel.

Pausing once in awhile to munch on something.

Maybe have one or two un-invited guests barge in on my world.

But that’s it.

I’m just … forever stuck.

Maybe forever is too long… It just seems like forever… Or what I perceive forever to be whilst I’m being extremely overdramatic.

Many tend to do that...
Be over dramatic, I mean.

I'm just so frustrated.
My brain is all muddled
I've tried to explain to my friends, or my parents how my brain works.
Because, most people's brains seem so much clearer than mine.
But maybe they just know how to through their thoughts better.

My mind works like an international airport.
You've got your forginers
Your locals
Your clean up people
Your screaming children
Your disability cart
Your nasty food and the huge pile of wasted food that cannot get past the security check.
Then you have the police men
The flight attendants

It's all rushed and constantly going
Planes arriving, departing, getting delayed
Each of those things
Are like a single thought
And that thought
Has the same amount of energy as whatever position it played in the airport.
Have it a hyper child, to a frazzled guide attempting to "round the troops" and get everyone together.
Many of these thoughts are lost, stuck in the wrong gate, left behind, slowed down by traffic.

It's all there
Just never organized
Or can be dealt with in a one on one manner.
It's either all or nothing when I confront my own thoughts.
This leaves me very oblivious
For if I'm not
It'd probably get so lost in my own little world
That everyone I'd be thinking about would leave me.
Which would be sad
I don't like being sad.
March 9th, 2010 at 06:13am