Taylor Lautner -vs- Nick Jonas... why?

SO I've been on YouTube nearly all morning searching videos of Taylor Lautner because he's plain epic. (I wouldn't be doing so if I didn't have a cold, but since I do I can't really go anywhere.... yeah) Then I got this urge "Hey, why don't I go read a Fanfic about him on Mibba?" So I go back on here, search Taylor Lautner and I can't find one. freaking. fanfic without him fighting with Nick Jonas over the main girl.


Why can't Taylor have a simple life where he gets the girl, end of story? Why must Nick foil Taylor's plans? EVEN IN TWILIGHT when he plays Jacob he has to fight Edward! And if it's not Nick it's some guy from Synyster Gates or some guy from some other band or SOMETHING! It's never just Taylor. What do y'all have against poor Taylor?

Now I really want to write a fanfic for him, but I've got three other stories (Ironically, one's Nick J) that need tending to... uurrgg...

ANYWAY, yeah, if someone could explain this crime against hotness please do so.
March 14th, 2010 at 09:02pm