Smile with GLEE

It's been a while since I've written, i know, shame on me. But life has been just a little hectic around here and i wasn't feelin the good vibes, therefore no writing. However, my weekend was good, but also crazy- leave a wild child alone in a house for three days and nights with a chihuahua for company and you're bound to end up with some kind of disaster. HOWEVER over the past two days I've gotten some good sources of inspiration; I've re-kindled my love for True Blood, made a sexy playlist with the help of good ole suburbanheart, and watched a boatload of nitro circus and criminal minds- i even DREAMED of criminal minds (it was very strange so don't ask). All of this inspiration may lead to a crazy-kick-ass-sexual-amazing vampire/supernatural story that I've been working up to for a while, or.. a Glee fan fiction.
Strange? Yes. Why suddenly, over the past twenty minutes have i been obsessing over Schuester? No freakin clue. But! it will come to pass. I will start writing my Schuester/Savvy and Puck/Sam fan fiction TODAY! However i will need a lot of help, since I've only seen like five episodes (including the one where Schuester is in jeans and a t shirt and dancing sexily and singing gold digger *insert breathy squeal and fainting sound effects*) I almost died; I made suburbanheart rewind that part, I think, at least two or three times.
Anyways, that's all for today, and if you reeeeally wanna know what i dreamed about when i fell asleep to criminal minds, just post a comment and I'll comment back. It's really weird I warn you, and I don't remember much.
Alright, it's nutrigrain bar time.

Goodwritings! - (my new good bye good luck thing)

Quote of the day
In journalism, there has always been a tension between getting it first and getting it right. - Ellen Goodman
March 15th, 2010 at 06:31pm