This really needs to stop

So these last last two weeks have been a living helI. Two guys in my class find it funny to call me DearMeat. All because I am a vegaterain. And it oh-so-happens that i have SIX CLASSES WITH BOTH OF THEM. I can stand being called the dearmeat but when they tell me how they're going to kill an animal and hope to bring it into the school so they can see me get upset or cry that is something different.

They also find it very funny that I sit next to them in four of the six classes. I've had tape put in my hair, a chair thrown at me, my desk tipped upside down, my desk be tipped sideways with me in it. Also, my collect of stories was taken from them and they thought it would be funny to give it to my ex-boyfriend so I would have to talk to that cheating arse-hole. At first I thought it was funny because I like weird awkward torture, but after the first five minutes it really got on my nerves. I'm having to protect all of my stuff in all my classes because they'll take them and throw it around.

I have tried getting moved away from them one teacher, my English teacher, said that there isn't really much hope for me because they'll just follow me. I asked my Spanish teacher if she would move me also and she laughed at me. I said 'Look at what they're doing to me. They do this for six hours!' She laughed at me. LAUGHED! and said that she deals with them for one class and she doesn't want to hear there whinning.

I've talked to the Guidence Counselor to change my classes around but there is no way possible because we're "so far into the semester". I get that it's March and school is close to being done but I really think that they just don't want to waste the time with me because they know that i'm a failure to them. I don't get that if my "older brother" can get his classes switched around Two weeks before school is let out because he had a nasty break up with his BlTCH of a girlfriend/fianc`e/wife. then why can't why?

I am really starting to hate them two guys. I thought that they were my friend but nope.

-Peace Out
March 19th, 2010 at 02:13am