Pledging sororities- What do you think? Also, circumstantial slutting?

Alright, so I've officially commenced my search of Universities. Now that I'm out of my I hate school, I don't want to go to University funk, I'm actually getting excited. I have a bunch of Universities in mind and have gone through some of their brochures, etc in my preparations. I plan on living in residence if I can. I'm pretty sure it's mandatory for a lot of first year students. Also, I plan to..

Are you ready?

Pledge a sorority!

Now, It's kind of odd for me, because I'm not a school spirit kind of person. AT ALL. I actually go out of my way to avoid a lot of school spirit related things. So even to me, it seems weird that I actually want to pledge. I just think it would be a lot of fun, and a good chance to come out of my shell. With my friends, I am this insane, ridiculous, go for anything kind of person. My school is small, so it isn't really a problem there. But around new people, I'm like this meek, shy, weird kid. I hate it so much. My only worry is about hazing and all that crap.

I don't want to have "fat" written on my stomach, or be forced to sleep with a bunch of guys, or any of the horror stories that you hear. I don't know how much of it's true, but if any of it is, it's terrible. I've also heard a lot of great stuff, like charity work, and the really stellar friendships and parties.

I know that it's really easy for someone to look at someone else and judge them. I know that we do it subconsciously, it can't be helped. I judge people, you judge people, we ALL judge people. It's part of being human. But how, exactly do we know when we're judging someone wrongly? We don't, I guess.

I know what people say about me. Sometimes it's nice stuff, like she's pretty or she's smart. But that isn't the stuff that sticks. The stuff that sticks in your brain, is the stuff that makes your stomach turn. The stuff that people say without really knowing.

She's a skank.

She's a slut.

I heard she slept with [insert name].

It really sucks. People don't know me. And they don't know my circumstances. I'm not a virgin, so I MUST be a skank. I've slept with more than one guy, so I MUST be a slut. For those reasons, I MUST be doing every guy who goes to my school. It's insane. But it's the stuff that I remember. I don't remember that someone thought my hair looked pretty, or that someone said that my English paper was amazing. I remember that people think I'm a slut. Why? Because one person said so. One single person said so, so it must be true.

You don't know me at all.

It's so easy to look at the surface and decide that someone is something, when you really have no idea. Someone can't look at me and know the reason why I do what I do. It's impossible. I don't wear a sign on my forehead explaining my life story. How I live my life isn't perfect, but it's how I make it. I'm okay with it. I'm not hurting anyone else. I've never slept with someones boyfriend, I've never slept with a friend's ex, I've never done anything wrong to anyone else. My reasons, my life.

I guess my question is this:

Who the hell are you to judge me? Don't throw stones when you live in a glass house.
March 20th, 2010 at 07:04am