Don't Belittle Me!

Have you ever had a best friend who constantly puts you down? They think they're so superior over you. The problem is, you've been best friends for quite some time. So your number one priority would be to ignore the problem so your friendship can be saved.

But ladies and gentlemen, ignoring the problem DOES NOT solve the problem. It actually creates a bigger problem. You're bottling up all of those feelings, and eventually, if you get into a fight large enough, all of those bottled up feelings are going to explode out of you. This will result in your friendship being destroyed.

Has this personally happened to me? Yes, it has. I am not going to mention names. But I am constantly being belittled by my best friend. We have recently gotten into an argument, and some of the feelings that I had bottled up came up to the surface.

At this point in time, I'm not sure where either of us stand. As far as I am concerned, I am optomistic that me and my best friend will forgive each other, and continue with our friendship. But let me tell you, that I'm not certain if our friendship will ever be the same.

Don't keep your feelings from someone you care about. If their is a conflict in a relationship, try your very best to work it out. Certain people are supposed to be around your whole life, and some are just meant to make an appearence. So don't make the mistake of losing someone you really care about. :)

Hope you guys enjoyed my very first journal entry! There will be more coming soon!
March 27th, 2010 at 07:11pm