Who is Unknown?

This is for all of you out there who didn't read the bottom of Chapter 18!

I want you, yes you, to try to guess who is the Unknown P.O.V. in chapter 18.

If you suceed on this dangerous misson, you will unlock, no, not the key to the world, sorry to dissapoint, but the key to CHAPTER 19!

In addition, the chapter will be dedicated to you.

Also, you get bonus points if you can figure out who the "she" is that he's (yes, it's a 'he') referring to!

And for all of you who are sitting there, thinking "What the heck is she talking about?" here's the link to the chapter:


It basically explains this there.

But if you aren't understanding the hints I've providen, I'll post more on the comment box for my story.

I wish you luck, and *MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU!*
March 29th, 2010 at 04:35am