You never leave my mind; even when I have a million things to worry about <3

I am sittting at my mom's boring work again.
Tonight I am going to the all-nighter.
Fluffy Wayne is gonnna be there(:
I am dating him; but still wishing he was someone else.
God; I am a horrible person.
I like him alot; But I love someone else.
This is horrible.
I don't know what I'm going to do.
I don't want to be a major bitch and break up with him over that.
So I guess I'll stay with him for a while.
I see him as a best friend more than I see him as a boyfriend?
If that makes sense.
I'm gonna have to break up with him anyways because I am moving soon.
Mom's boyfriend is moving in with us May 21st.
Then we are going to look for houses even more /:
I am glad I am moving away from Bullitt County and get to be back with my old friends;
But not glad that I will be leaving Jordan <l3 and all my other friends.
That is going to suck so bad.
I am like just getting used to being at this school and hanging out with people outside of school, and I am moving away.
It's whatever.
I can't wait till tonight;
Skating starts at 7:00 pm and is over at 7:00 am.
It's going to be so much fun(:
April 6th, 2010 at 07:38pm