
So this is my first journal entry (Y)

And honestly i dont know what to put here,
so i guess im just going to talk nonsense till something good comes along.

At the moment im having a loveley case of WRITERS BLOCK. Wich comepletly sucks cause ive been meaning to put more poems up. Also i was thinking about putting a short story up and i have one already done, but im contemplating whether if it cuts to deep to the bone. Cause im no too big on putting up my personal writing, so i guess im just gonna have to wait for some inspiration to come along.

Now i know its only April, but seriously im already so psyched for summer. Even though right now ,the weather in toronto is kinda mukky and wet, its gradualy starting to get warmer, which calls for new clothes :P

Speaking of NEW!
plenty of new stuff is happening, which include:

-end of year exams/summatives soon. --> eww fuck my life.
-cheerleading has started--. which ive been told its a total oxymoron that im in it, you know reading/ poetry writing nerdyiish girl joins, isnt really expected but really stereotypes are such overrated shit. and im good at it. so yeah ill do what i want
-I got a TUTOR for my ever so present lack of smartness in math.
-i bought my plane ticket for morocco.( google morocco its freaking gorgeous)
-boy problems--> but really arnt there always ?
-i broke the back door--> my next 3 paychecks go to fixing it.may i say fmylife?

I guess thats all :D
im think of trying to post one journal entry every two days. Thats what im saying, but i doubt i will.
BUT i will try.

Aurevoir <3
April 9th, 2010 at 12:32am