So, as it would seem as of today I am BEYOND BORED!
I’ve tried everything I can! But im still just stuck at home in my pj’s on a boring Sunday :/
Ya know Sunday’s are always slow…it’s like everyone else is at church or does hw, no one can get anywhere and your stuck at home BORED! LIKE ME!
Anyway, one of the first things I tried was watching a movie- well not the first thing, but the first effective one- The Fall~! If you have not seen this movie and enjoy kinda Indie drama storytelling- this movie is amazing! Of course this would be the millionth time I had watched it I still enjoyed that for a while but then the movie ended- what a shocker! And I was lost in the sea of boredom yet again.
I tried hanging outside for a while, as it is an absolutely beautiful day but I had to go inside to watch my little sis. So not only am I bored but I am not allowed to go outside! I feel like a prisoner!
The only thing giving me hope is going to the fair later! I love the fair and cotton candy so obviously this can’t go wrong, right? Oh, no! Of course Kt’s day can almost always surely get worse! For I have not heard from anyone in the last 3 hours about- including my ride.
Another reason for boredom- almost NO HUMAN CONTACT DOES NOT HELP BOREDOM!
If there was anyone to talk to I would. I would talk to my little sister- who is merely 5, but she is of course napping! AUGHHHH!
So all in all, any suggestions to fight boredom? I’m usually good and thinking of something but today im totally lost! HELP :D!
April 11th, 2010 at 09:28pm