Beautiful Girls

A beautiful girl is only how they are behind closed doors and away from the public eye. Face to face, lips to lips all the way until ashes to ashes. But a very few amount of people can honestly say that beauty is PURELY internal and mean it. Granted, not everyone is born with the physical attractiveness that most people would expect a girl to have before they feel she is 'worthy' to date. I wish I could say ''But I stray away from this average trend'' but I can't. I mean, it's not COMPLETELY true for me but I'm saying this from a taken person's view. Beauty is only really expectations and standards. What should be looked upon is trust, trust and fascination. If there is a lack of interest, it doesn't work. And you'll know about if trust is not here. My best advice for girls who've read this and were thinking the whole time while reading this ''I'm ugly and this guy has no idea what it's like to be lonely because of it'' first of all; believe me, I DID, and secondly; guys like confidence, NOT arrogance. If you seem too depressed about your appearance, guys will tend to go another direction because there will be work involved to make you feel better about yourself that might not even work anyway. ALWAYS focus on the things you like about yourself and work on the other things over time. Even if it's the little things. EVERYONE has something they like about themselves, I don't believe anyone that says they don't. Even something as small as maybe the way you say something or your laugh or the shade of your eye colour. Beauty is just a word, a human creation to make the girl a guy is with feel more secure about themselves.

Try not to think about it too much
April 15th, 2010 at 02:37am