Whats the difference?

This journal is for everyone out there that is rascist, weightist, ageist, anything. You probably have heard people say this before but I'm giving it a shot as well.
Think of all the religions, skin types, ages, and weights that you dislike, hate, or dont agree with.
I'm going to start off with the obvious one, different skin types. First, think of why you hate them. Now, let me give you my reasons of why you shouldnt be against people of different skin types.
One, what exactly is bad about their skin? So their skin is darker, lighter, browner, etc., how did that make them bad? Sure they may look different but how does their skin color affect how you think about them or treat them? Everyones different. Such as if you have a girlfriend or boyfriend, they're different from you by gender. Also you're friends, one could be shy, another gangsta, another punk, another smart. They're different is huge ways, not just about how they look but in their attitude and personalities. Those differences are way bigger then just that their skin's darker, lighter, browner, etc.
Two, I hope that the reason you might dislike them isnt because your family doesnt like them. They're opinions shouldn't affect you. Who cares if your parents dont like a friend of yours because they're a different ethnicity?
Three, it's true that they're have been countless wars, fights, speeches, and arguments about ethnicities but if they're still continuing today, after all we've been through about it, thats stupid. People should get smarter each generation, not more judgemental.
Four, dont think your ethnicity is the only one who can judge others. Every single one does it, as you're reading this someone is probably making fun of you because of your skin tone. Do you want people doing that? Heres an example, lets say you're caucasion and an African American comes up to you and calls you cracker or paste or some type of insult. Should you hit them? No. Because if you do then they'll make fun of you more, you'll make fun of them more, so pretty soon instead of the world coming closer and nicer together, just because you hit them or made fun of them back, you singally made the world a worse place.
I hope that this made you think and if you know anyone rascist email it to them.
If you liked this and want me to write something of different religions, ages, genders, comment or email me. I will gladly write it.
April 17th, 2010 at 07:50pm