What a perfect way to celebrate. [and questions!]

I love my school -- honestly, I do.

The stuff that happens there is just so ridiculous. Like today, when the administration had to re-print 900 or so report cards for everyone because the principal forgot to sign the first batch. I swear to god, the trees were crying.

Haaappy Earth Day, world! -sarcasm-

(and I know some of you'll be like "well, just recycle the other ones." They were already handed out and, I mean, come on. We're talking about teenagers here. At most, half of the students would've recycled their "unofficial" mid-terms.)

Oh, and there's also the fact that the first two periods today were filled with announcements and announcement corrections.

"Would the senior boys soccer team report to the front stairwell for pictures."
"Please ignore the previous announcement."

Fucking spectacular.


I'm going to sound like a total angsty teen for a moment here.. You have my apologies.

You know what sucks? When the guy you've been crushing on for three years and have flirted shamlessly with for two -- note: he's flirted back, to the extent that people ask us if we're dating -- tells you that he was going to ask you out last year. Of course, if the fact that you had moved schools and had just talked to him face-to-face for the first time in eight months (and missed him like crazy during those eight months) wasn't bad enough..

The fact that he's dating some totally sweet, likeable girl is worse. Because I can't hate her, but I'm really mad at him. You don't hug someone like that while you have a girlfriend, you don't talk to people in those soft, unbelievably gorgeous tones while you're off the market. I am so angry and so fantastically, horrifically frustrated at you, Jay.

Thanks for ruining any chances I had with the guy I'm going out with tomorrow. Life would've been perfect if you hadn't utter those damn words.

I want to scream at you.
But really, all I want to do is ask "then why didn't you?"

Though what I'm hating the most is that I've never felt like this before, and you're just abusing that fact.

:| Ugh, I'm all emotional. Gross


-cough- o_o; Sorry.

How bout some random questions so I can cool off a little?

1. How long have you lived where you are living? (city or house-wise)
2. If you had to listen to one song on repeat for the rest of your life, what would it be?
3. Would you rather be deaf or blind?
4. Are you religious?
5. Do you paint your toenails during the winter? Do you paint your nails in general?
6. How's life treating you?
April 22nd, 2010 at 11:28pm