I don't care, Penelope Cruz!

I'm watching threadbanger stuff on YouTube and the awesome experience is being ruined by all the L'Oreal Telescopic Explosion commercials that pop up every two videos. I mean, Penelope Cruz is pretty and all, but that mascara sucks. I kept poking myself in the eye with it and the wand is so flimsy.

I could get into a total beauty product rant here, but I won't.
.. This is awkward.


Threadbangers. If you guys don't know about them already and you're all into the whole "DIY fashion" scene, go check them out. They have this one video on how to make this super-cool fringe top that I absolutely adore. I think I'm going make a thousand of them and wear them every day.

Yeah. Awesome. DIY Fashion. Youtube.

Go watch.


So I made a journal a few days ago asking for peoples' stories to read, and, unfortunately I haven't had time to read them. Now as I'm going to plow my way through the (small) pile of whoring, I figured I would suggest for you guys to read the stories as well to make up for my awful story-reading-commitment skills.

That probably made absolutely no sense. My brain is numb. I'll search for a way to get back on topic while you guys go read:

Take Me to Infinity by i saw sparks.
Depraved Heart by AllyCatXandi.
Untouchable by craptastic. (I feel so bad putting that username.)
You Make Falling Feel Safe by SimpleandClean.



My friend changed my username; I didn't realize until today. Moral of the story: never stay logged onto Mibba at your super crazy make-up loving friend's house (even if you're a super crazy make-up loving person yourself).

That's all I feel like writing about.



oh, and..

Math teachers aren't allowed to make jokes.
because they're always super lame and cause the whole class to do a major facepalm. urg.

/end of random-ass journal.
May 13th, 2010 at 10:46pm