New to Mibba! But hell, I love it.

I'm half considering making my first journal entry a ridiculously long rant...
But I'm not sure I really have to time.
You see, I have next to NO free time. However, I adore writing, and love haikus, so I'm spending the time I can find to become a Mibbian.
Or should it be Mibbite?
Or perhaps Mib-Person?
I don't know. They all sound pretty great to me, as does Mibba.
So, here's a little about me.
My name is Kristen.
I've been Sixteen for a couple of months now.
I love any reason to celebrate, mainly my birthday ;]
Hugs are amazing. I will hug anyone. In fact, today I hugged my gym teacher because he told us we were playing field hockey. And trust me, my gym teacher is HUGE. Hugging him was no easy task.
I LOVE Hockey, but I don't get to watch it very often. I love to play it though =]
I'm a fan of the Boston Bruins, and in baseball, the Red Sox. My dad is from Boston, and I've grown up supporting these teams.
If you're a Yankee Fan... Hi, how do you live with yourself?
Just kidding, I'm pretty open minded and think sports rivalries are ridiculous. But hey, arguing is pretty fun, when it isn't serious.
I'm music crazy, and listen to pretty much everything. Hard Core rap, and hard core screamo are out though. Don't even suggest I listen to those. My ears will bleed.
I'm anorexically skinny. I weigh 112 pounds. This, I don't get, because I love my food. And my sleep.
I do love to sleep.
I can be extremely annoying when I'm hyper, and everyone I know says I'm scary when I get angry. I don't see why, I can't do much. I can hardly do 5 normal push ups, and I can't even run half a mile.
I'm an Air Force Brat.
I'm lost. Where was I?
I get easily distracted, and I can be random as hell.
My favorite words are Jackass, Goddammit, and fish.
I love to make funny faces.
I'm grounded for life.
I come up with some of the randomest shit.
I love Twilight, but NOT for the stupid sparkly vampires. I like Stephanie Meyer's writing style. The Host was WAY better than any of the Twilight Books.
I'm seriously a MAJOR Chocoholic. Seriously. I went to Baskin Robins today, and they were out of chocolate ice cream. I screamed.
My doctor thinks my jaw might be dislocated.
I love to write, especially poetry. I can write a Haiku in like.. .ten minutes on a good day.
There's a lot of random shit people can learn about me...

So, since that was totally pointless, here's something with a little more meaning behind it.

Mibba is rad.

Oh yeah, I like using words like rad. It just... works for me.

I'm proud of being weird.

If I haven't scared you away, feel free to send me a message, or take some time to play comment-hockey.
Or comment-tennis.
The ball is in your court.
May 25th, 2010 at 03:51pm