Diary of an Army Wife 5 ( who knows why )

Who knows why but for some odd reason alot of people are getting divorces while there husband or wife is over seas. I was talking to my husband (keith) and he was telling me how numerous guys he had met were getting divorces or just had it brought to there attention while they were there that their wife wanted one. I mean some of these people have been married for years and now that happens. Its so ridiculous. And then alot of people get married right outa ait to a chic they met there and when they get sent to iraq (or someplace else in BFE) its to hard and they split. My sister in law is in the air force and was sent over seas and her husband cheated on her the whole time and barely took care of there daughter. Can you imagine the stress she had? not only was she in a dangerous place but she was trying to work on a divorce because her husband cheated while she was fighting for her country. I personaly wanna kick him so hard his balls pop out his mouth but I'm not allowed to so I won't.

Keith now has to ask me randomly if he talks to me enough and if I feel the need to stray in the marriage. That would normally tick me off but I honestly can't blame him. I would freak out too if I was there and he was here. I worry about him getting hurt more than anything. I just wish people didn't have these types of problems now a days. I personally was a very lucky person when it came to keith. He's the only man I've ever been with and my first kiss. I hope more people get lucky. Sure we had extremely rough moments. And he broke my heart once but he helped fix it again and I hung on. Because that's what your supposed to do for someone you love. Your supposed to do everything you can for them. And love them no matter what. My friend told me once when I told him everything that happened that'd I would have to forgive him. He said " It's not like he ran over your puppy and killed your whole family or anything unforgivable. He made a simple mistake. Yeah it hurt you and pissed you off but you'll forgive him cause you cant do anything else."

And he was and is right. (hes my best friend and smart so he may come up some more like now) He also sent me a text a while back and it said there are two rules in relationships. 1) You can do whatever you want. 2) You better understand what you do has consequences and except them for whatever you decide to do. So I guess as I round my way back to the main subject at hand that if you married a man or woman in the military that was your choice you know that they will have to leave for months at a time. There is no way not to now a days. So you shouldn't leave them cause its just to hard to not get booty for a year. Sure some people really do have legit reasons but unfortanetly alot don't.

So keep your loved ones close to your heart. Even if there far away your love for each other shouldn't be. It should be with you always.

May 25th, 2010 at 09:47pm