boy troubles...again PLEASE HELP! :)

What makes the perfect guy; saying those corny lines? Being an amazing kisser? No. I’ve seen that they aren’t it. I had an amazing boyfriend. Emphasis the ‘had’. We were happy as anything. Well, at least I was. I thought it was all going smoothly, until he said “I’m going to my cousin’s farm for a week.” I replied saying “Okay see you when you get back! Miss you!”

He had no time for missing me, oh no he didn’t. His ‘cousin’s farm’ turned out to be his ‘ex’s bed’. Yay for me, as I didn’t find until she told me. Yup, his ex who he slept with, told me about 3 weeks later...not him. That was a shock due to the fact everything was fine before hand. He had told me he’d never want to do ‘homerun’ with anyone else for the first time, but me. Wrong, he’d already done it. He said, “I never want to leave you, ever.” Wrong, he did. “I love you with all my heart”. Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong.

But I guess I was in the wrong. I mean, I did fall for all those ridiculous lines. He didn’t love me. I knew it. Why did I fall for it? Was it the kisses afterwards or the tone of his deep voice that did it? Who would know. But, the problem is; was what he did actually that bad? I have to keep telling myself it is... but is it?

When I think about it, they were going out for a couple of years before hand, (which is a lot for a fifteen year old), they did really like each other, and when she dumped him he was shattered. It takes a while to get over someone, doesn’t it? He said now they have done it, they hate each other and there’s no more of her, ever. Then they’re doing of ‘it’ was just a way for them to get over each other?

He’s been trying to get us back together. Should we? Should I still like him? All answers and criticisms welcome.
Thankyou, x.
May 30th, 2010 at 06:14am