My mind is a strange place when I'm alseep. (Have you had any odd dreams lately?)

I have really strange dreams practically every night, but I think this one was one of the weirdest - mainly because it was the longest I've had in a while and I can remember every detail of it.

I wouldn't recommend reading this if you don't have a lot of time to waste on your hands. There's a lot. I told you I remembered every bit of it.

I was inside this theater-type room. It didn't look a thing like a theater, but there was a play going on, so I can only assume that's what it was. But it didn't look like your average room inside a building. It had a very, very high ceiling (I couldn't even see it from where I was standing) and the room was rather narrow. It actually kind of reminded me of an elevator shaft, which will sort of play a part in this dream later on. The walls looked like they were made of a deep blue or black stone, and there were random ledges sticking out of the walls further up that looked as though parts of the stone had broken off.

There were two very small stages, and each one would light up (it was completely dark in room aside from them) when the people on that set were to go on. Apparently there were speakers scattered about the room because it had very loud sound effects, which were pretty realistic, too. So I was just standing there - no, not sitting - watching this play that looked to be based on the Medieval Times. I didn't get to see much of it so I can't exactly tell you what it was about, but I do remember seeing a large axe being swung around quite often (every time it would hit the ground, you'd hear a metal-like sound emit from one of the speakers).

This guy standing next to me randomly decided to throw something up in the air, though I have no idea what it was. It ended up landing on one of those ledges I mentioned and somehow cracked the stone. Suddenly, the entire room was cracking and shaking and people were just like, "We've got to get out of here!" So we ran out of the room as everything started to collapse and stood inside an old school hallway that was full of dust and debris. It pretty much looked abandoned. We watched as the theater room suddenly plummeted downward, as if it were an elevator inside an elevator shaft (like I mentioned before).

We kept running through the halls and ended up exiting the school. Now we were standing in between two school buildings, and apparently the collapse of the theater room caused a large crack to slice through the school grounds. So now, there was this large crack going across the middle of the school. Many of the people were mad at the guy who threw the object, so they made him stay on one side of the crack while they stayed on the other (why couldn't they just leave wtf? I don't even know). And I guess I was a really good friend of his because I wasn't as mad as the rest of the people were and I decided to stay with him.

Then I spotted something in the front of the school. It looked kind of like the entrance to a sewer, one of the little brown-red metal... things that you can open in the ground. It's hard to explain. I ran over to it to see if I could open it (because, of course, the answer to all our problems was down there). It was closed by a screw, so I decided to untwist the screw. The guy tagged along with me and watched. Once it was almost fully unscrewed, this string that attached to the screw (that randomly popped up - I'd never seen it before) was pulled and this alarm sounded. We knew that it was an alarm for the school, but it sounded like a siren for a tornado warning.

The movie Silent Hill immediately popped into my head after hearing this. If you've ever seen it, you'll know that when the alarms go off, everything gets dark and that's when all the creepy shit comes out. Well, apparently it was like that in the dream, so I was like, "Shit, I set it off!" And the guy and I ran towards the nearest building so we could hide in it as the skies, as expected, started to darken.

We go inside this building that doesn't have very much in it (it was part of the school, looking as old and rusted as ever) and I attempted to close the doors. They wouldn't close all the way, so it was kind of pointless for me to just stand there trying to lock them like I did. The guy runs over to me and says, "Just forget it!" and we run to the opposite side of the room as it goes completely dark.

The guy starts to babble about how his life's over and that he's going to die, and he's just whining like a fool and I'm all, "Shut up!" because it's just annoying. I decide to lay down against one of the walls in the corner to where the left side of my body is up against a wall while the top of my head is touching the other one. Suddenly, there are these newspapers hanging over the walls that are waving around slightly as if from the wind even though there were no windows open.

I was terrified now because I knew what was coming. In my mind, I knew that those infected dogs from I Am Legend were going to start running around outside. So I try to sit there and be as still and quiet as possible. Out of nowhere, I feel something reach through those newspapers against the wall and grab me by the neck. Then I woke up, and I could still feel the tingling sensation it gave me on my neck.

Yeah. My mind. It's weird.

The odd thing is (well, another odd thing is) I've dreamed about that school before. Not about the theater collapsing or the Silent Hill reference or anything, but the school in general. I don't know if it has some significance or what. Hum.


So, have you had any strange dreams lately?
If so, share them!
June 4th, 2010 at 10:43pm