Can't seem to get over him...

hey guys ^_^
wow I haven't posted for a LONG time...

if any of you have read my previous entry, then you know about Ryan.
i had a crush on him, but when he told me about his crush, it sort of hurt. A lot.
So I decided that I should just get over him...
BUT I can't.
I can't seem to get him out of my mind. I know I seem obsessed, but that's just how it is.

I need some help *_*

can you guys give me some tips on getting over a guy?
because this isn't going anywhere.

I was actually planning on telling him about how i feel. but then he told me about his crush
so I figured I should just leave him alone.

We're still friends... he actually comes to me for tips on how to get his crush to like him back...

but I really want to stop liking him, because I don't want out friendship to disappear too.

Help please?

If you made it this far, than thank you for reading all this boring crap about my life... and not hating me for complaining so much

June 11th, 2010 at 02:46am