I've got headaches.

I'm addicted.
I'm addicted to drugs that make the headaches go away.
If you knew my you'd know I get very bad migraines just about all the time. I don't know why. I think it's caffeine. Stupid legal drugs. They go away but I always fear my headaches will come back again.
It's so scary. I can't see from one eye and I lost feeling in my hands. Like I don't have control over my body. Excedrin migraine helps. So does sleep. So does crying. I'm so dramatic…. BLAHHHH!
I really just feel like talking to whoever will listen. It's summer everyone!!!
Hope you're having a fun time, even though it's just started. I want to go to the beach, I live so close to Lake Michigan and I haven't been once this year! Sad I know. I'll get there eventually. No tanning, just feeling the sand and screaming at seagulls for being sea rats and eating pretzels. I haven't heard any crickets yet, but I've gotten plenty of mosquito bites.
I'm starting to get up early next week Tuesday. Practice starts once again and I'll be dancing my little booty off! Woohoo! Independence day parade featuring… ADDY! It's on the fifth this year… annoying religious people couldn't have the parade on a Sunday!! Ohhh no!
Oh well.
I'm gonna go now…
June 14th, 2010 at 05:26am