Life in a Glass House

I've never been able to keep a journal on paper. Partly because my mother snoops through my stuff like a Nazi. But also because I'm a writer, so most of my journals end up becoming new notebooks for my stories. Hopefully, this will be different.
I think I like writing about other people because I can escape the confusion of my own life and enter the joy of a character's life. A life where anything is possible.
I don't really know how to write a journal. I guess I'll start with this. My name is Kathleen Mary Theresa Gessner. You can call me Katie. I'm 16 years old at the moment. My parents are, well, parents. My dad's cool, when he wants to be. He's the funniest man I know and I think I'm the only person he's ever yelled at. And when I say yell, I mean bright red race, screaming at the top of his lungs, with disappointment overpowering his dark eyes.
My mother is a whole different issue. I have hurt my mother both emotionally and physically. I'm not proud of it; in fact, I'm ashamed of it. I just have trouble showing it. You know in the movies, when there's that one person who just doesn't know how to show their love? Well, I'm that character in the movie of my life. I've let my mother down so many times that, sometimes, I hate myself for it. One of those times, I actuallly attempted to end my life. I had lost control of my feelings and screamed at my parents, to the extent where my mom tells me I'm a "nasty person" and a "nightmare for a daughter." I thought that was the only way out, but i was wrong.
I'm forced to go to therapy once a week, to sort out my family problems and all that shit. I've controlled my anger and I'm not depressed, but I still have to go every week. If anyone ever met me, they'd have no idea I was ever depressed, let alone suicidal. I've changed a lot since then. I don't live in the past. I haven't in a really long time. My life is better now and I know that I have a furture to look forward to.
Ta-Ta For Now <3
June 17th, 2010 at 01:35am