Pet Peeves

My cousin dani4 did a pet peeves journal a while back and I replied to it, but I've decided to make my own journal after thinking up a few more.
There might be a chance that I'll come back and edit this if I think of anymore, too. : )

1) Inside-out Hoodies. They drive me mad and I always have to fix them. Although.. Probably not on someone I don't know..

2) Leaving Cupboard door open. I actually walked into one because my brother was careless..

3) Burping at the table. I live with three men and they're terrible for it. Saying 'Excuse me' helps but after every loud obnoxious burp you make.. doesn't really make it all better. At least try and cover your mouth when you burp.

3) Saying "Tree" instead of Three. WTF happened to the 'H'?

4) Coming in right after knocking before the person can reply. What is the point of knocking if you're just going to walk in anyway?! The purpose of knocking is to get permission.

5) Leaving the room without shutting the door the way it was when you walked in. It was shut before you came in, what makes you think I want it open now? SHUT THE DAMN DOOR.

6)Customers leaving the carts in the way of the register. Especially when it's a sale rush. We don't have time to put them back when we have 4 out of 4 registers going. Be courteous, put them where they're suppose to go!

7) Not putting Refrigerated food or drinks back in the fridge, like juice, pop and milk. I like cold beverages thank you. Also when customers just drop what product they don't want wherever besides it's rightful place. Didn't your mother always tell you to put it back where you found it?

8) Having EVERY SINGLE electronic devise ON in the house. Do you want a Ginormous power bill. Conserve energy!

9) Leaving the room and the television/stereo on, and then never coming back. Read number 8...

10) Having the volume up extremely loud when it's unnecessary. No wonder people today are so deaf.

11) Drivers not checking they're blind spot. Most of the accidents that I ALMOST had are because they haven't checked they're blind spot before taking action.

12) Drivers tapping on they're brakes repeatedly. Makes me wonder...

13)This may just be me.. but when I'm turning onto another street. I signal BEFORE I break so the driver behind me knows I'm turning soon before hand. I tend to be like WTF when a car brakes randomly because I wonder what's the problem.. and then later they signal.
June 24th, 2010 at 01:07am