Summer Plans List

This is what I plan on doing this summer of 2010!
( Feel Free to make one Too! )

1) Relaxx! =D
2) Go to the beach.
3) Go back to school shopping =D
4) Hang out with my besties?
5) Do some art in my sketch book.
6) Playy wii =D
7) Clean out my room/Organize.
8) Make alot of polyvore sets.
9) Spend time with my cats because i'm always so busy and forget about them :'(
10) Take a nice bubble bath.
11) Take tons of pictures of every where i go and post it on fb titled "Summa' 2010?"
12) Change my fb display picture..finally
13) Bake cookies with my mommy ?
14) Go see new movies.
15) Have an all nighter.
16) Work on Savings for iphone 4g.
17) Grow out my hair.
18) Have an ice capp. at Timmys and a Strawberry Frosty at Wendy's.
19) Get new makeup.
20) Dream.
21) Get ready for sophmore year.
22) Dance in the rain.
23) Go Bikini Shopping.
24) Plant a floweer.
25) Turn up the music and just Dance.
26) Meet someone my age in my neighborhood.
27) Take my dog to the doggie park.
28) Watch the new Big Brother season coming in july!!
29) Eat Funnel cake.
30) Walk around bare-foot for a day.
31) Have Brunch withh my daddy?
32) Buy some new summery nail polish.
33) Hang up pictures in my room.
34) Make an art masterpiece.
35) Write to my penpal.
36) Read at least 3 books.
37) Sleep over at my cousins house =D
38) Write a song.
39) Sleep in.
40) Build a sand castle.
41) Have a movie marathon.
42) Learn to swim.
43) Watch the sunrise && sunset.
44) Create a side walk murral with chalk.
45) Spend a day with my grandma<33
46) Make Sand pictures.
47) play ding dong ditch with some friends.
48) Buy a journal-- Write in it over the summer.
49) Swear off drama.
50) Reconnect with old friends.
51) Help someone who's nervous about going to highschool next year :)

---willl probably add on as the summer goes by---
June 27th, 2010 at 06:19pm