Journal #1 (GLASTO)

So I am back from Glastonbury Festival of Contemporary Performing Arts 2010 and how was it? Well to be honest: meh.
I mean parts of it were amazing but I have this empty feeling that I missed out on so much because the site is so huge and there is always so much going on you will never get even half of it done.
The dance tents were good and I saw one of my favourite bands (Crystal Castles) there on the sunday which was pretty amazing but the sheer amount of people EVERYWHERE made it nearly impossible to enjoy anything.
One night we were making the long trek across the site to Shangri La (cant really explain this place just magical really) but we ended up turning back because of a one way system or some bullshit like that.
Now I don't want to sound ungrateful and as glastonbury is famous for rain and mud you would think the scorching weather would be well recieved but let me tell you that 30 degrees is TOO hot to do anything. And with no cloud coverage the nights were INSANELY COLD.
One night at about 2AM we ended up making a fire from bits of litter we could forage.
Highlights were Muse, Crystal Castles, Vampire Weekend and Chase n Status. Brothers bar wasn't too bad either.
Will I go next year? Well right now that answer would be no unless Blink-182 are headlining next year I don't think I'll be dishing out the £200 for a ticket.
June 30th, 2010 at 09:46pm