Unfair Judgement.


Me and my boyfriend were at the library and we were sitting in one of those study rooms; Just flipping through a book to pass time.

We didn`t have the light on.

Because the lights they have are so bright that we could see without turning the light in the study room on. Well, The security guard (Whose an asshole of an old man),Opens the doors and starts getting onto us and tells us to turn the light on.

He`s always doing that to me and Tory when we`re in there because one day he sat me sit beside Tory in this big recliner chair thingy they have downstairs. Apparantly he thinks that just because we sit beside each other or something; We`re gonna screw or something.

It pisses me off because everytime we come in, He`s always getting onto us for something. Like Tory had pulled out his cell phone and was just looking at it and the old dude got all over him (cell phones ain`t allowed in the library) and he wasn`t doing anything!!

Gah. I really can`t stand him.
January 4th, 2007 at 08:09pm