Got my report card yesterday...

After a week long of me destroying my nails by biting much more than I usually do. After a long week of not sleeping enough, after a long week of being nervous, my thoughts always heading to a negative path leading to Physical Education and whatever grade I could possibly have for it and Math and Dutch. I finally got my report card yesterday.

At school, the morning felt long and all my nervous habits came to rise. My right leg was bouncing uncontrollably, my hands were shaking, and my heart was beating out of control. I mean, this specific report card held my entire future in it. If I got held back, everything would have crashed and burned because there was no way I could continue on the path I wanted to. Now, if I went to higher class, everything will be smooth sailing.

The bell rang and my class’s mentor wasn’t here yet! As if we have all day, my classroom was filled by students that were a nervous wreck, like me. The teacher was ten minutes late and instead of coming to us, she went to the principal. Of course we groaned at her, she laughed.

Five minutes later, she comes in the class and guess whose future totally didn’t crash!

I wanted to cry from relief when she extended her hand and told me, “Congrats, you’re finally a senior!”

Those few words felt so good. All my nervousness, my lack of sleep, my nail biting, and my uncontrollable bouncy leg was a built up of frustration and it felt fucking great to see that I didn’t get held back.


That’s my journal for today, now summer has officially started for me and it’s boring as usual.

How’s everyone’s summer? And stuff…
July 6th, 2010 at 05:14pm