I really don't understand journals.

Okay, so I've been coming to Mibba for like, three years now, and I STILL don't get journals.

I don't mean that in a 'I don't see the point' kind of way...

I mean it in an 'I honestly don't understand what they're about' kind of way.

Can someone please explain to me?

I mean, do you just write anything you feel like?
Do you write about your day?
Do you write about deep political subjects that irk you something chronic?

Someone please enlighten me, I would be ever so grateful.

Also, while you're at it, if anyone knows why I can't work out how to quote someone's comment when they comment on one of my stories so that I can write back to them...
I'm pretty sure it's basically because I'm thick but maybe I've just missed something...
that would be helpful too.
July 14th, 2010 at 02:32am