
I never thought about how close death can be!
A month ago, a boy named Steven had died. He was a student at my school and I've known him for two years. I never really liked him, but I really didn't know him either. No one did. Everyone hated him. He got into several fights.
But just a day before his death, I saw him. I spoke to him. Than the next day, my geography teacher told us that he had died.
My heart fell soo hard. I mean, he died at the age of 15. He still had a life to live.
And knowing that he was now gone... Knowing that I wouldn't see him anymore running down the halls or drawing funny pictures on the chalkboards.... I just can't believe that he's gone. I still can't believe.
Now that he's gone, everyone feels horrible.
Except this one chick, who said that she was glad he was gone and she has nothing good to say about the guy. I don't know him, but I still wrote down that I wish I had.

Anyways, just yesterday, my mom's friend's child, Dallas, had to go to the emergency room because he swallowed some pills that his mom was suppose to take care for her back.
To think that that little boy was soooo close to almost leaving us all, scares me!
But he was let out this morning and I got to see him again.
July 19th, 2010 at 12:32am