boredom makes me weird o.O


School is the most boring place to be. Especially after 2 weeks of much happier days- holidays. Oh holidays, how I love thou! But seriously, everything seems so long and winded at school, the classes seem to last much longer than 45 minutes, teachers seem to babble on more than they used to and even lunch time drags on. The only good part of school is... yep, you guessed it... MATHS.


Actually, I’m not, it’s just one step down from the home bell.

When the bell finally rings to go home, the finality of the noise, the emotion of relief of the day concluding is both beautiful and disastrous. Beautiful most days, when you’d much rather be doing something else, like, oh, I don’t know, caching up on your 4 missed hours of sleep maybe? ==’ This is of course not at all my responsibility, it’s not my fault my body clock is stuck at 1 am and waking up at 10.

Disaster strikes when home, instead of bringing a feeling of reprieve, brings more assignments and study to catch up on, and then the last school bell rings. Home. Study. Research. Assignments. I’d rather do maths (no, like seriously).

Today I was actually looking forward to Mathematics class with a noisy group of students sitting behind me. My friend who is in that class with me is usually preoccupied talking to the (annoying) boys behind us and complaining about the teacher, so I usually just sit and do my work.

Which is fun. No joke.

The quiet (in my head), the calm feeling, and the overwhelming feeling you get when you have finally solved the hardest, most challenging question of the chapter is BLOODY awesome. Sounding nerdy? Well, I’m sorry.

Of course you nerdy Mibba-ers, English is definitely up there on the list of favourite subjects, but you just need so much more commitment and concentration for such a subject. :P
I’m tired. I’d rather do maths.\

Okay, this time I’m seriously kidding. I’d rather sleep.

[holidays!! come back, please? :( ]
July 21st, 2010 at 09:57am