
The wind blows outside my window and I hear the squeaky gate open and close violently. I’m inside all alone and yet I feel like there isn’t enough to hold me to the ground, that at any moment my wings will spread and I will take flight wherever the wind might take me I shall go explore. We are always scared at what could be something amazing, or in fact it could be dreadful. I’m not sure why I can ponder on this thought for hours and gain nothing but lost time. I’m curled up in my bed now, just like my thoughts and creativity covered in a blanket of malnutrition and curled up almost shriveled inside my head. I hide from the wind just as much as I hide from myself I don’t want to let my creativity out because I just might let people see my true colors, the life that I might actually be capable of having. So I hide inside my skin because this isn’t what I really look like it’s just a mask a cover up. Someday I will break free undress and strip before your eyes; but let’s not ruin that surprise. Maybe I hide from rejection of my soul. If I were to let it out of its cage knowing it would come home I would. I don’t know if it would ever come out if I let it go, I’m not sure who it would bite feast upon and devour. So I lock it up inside me hiding waiting for the once day I will let it out to do more damage to this vial world.
July 26th, 2010 at 07:01am