Today (questions) / Comment Swap / *** Your Stories

Okay, so to begin:

What I did today was quite boring. I'm nto vacationing over the summer break like I wanna be because my family's idea of a vacay is visiting people I don't like, who apparently talk about me behind my back (not fun - not a vacation either), so I decided to stay home -- today = Day 1.

So I'm spending the next four and a half days with my dad, his name is James (not that any of you care [you might, I don't know]), but it's boring. Tomorrow he has work, so I'll be home alone with my dog, and eating frozen pizzas because my mother is absolutely certain I may burn down the house. (Note: she bought frozen pizza that HAVE to go into the oven. Burning the house down is still capable, but I haven't ALMOST burnt the house down in like six years [Last time I was 11 when I acidentally caught a kitchen rag on fire -- WASN'T MY FAULT -- long story anyways.])


1) What have you guys done today?

2) What is your summer break like? (if you get one, some people go to school all year round with less school days and more breaks)

3) What's your idea of a vacation? Also, what is the last vacation you took / are on now?


So I wrote a new story for a contest: Pictures Contest (She has like 6 pics left if you wanna join)

My story is : Don't Let Me Go
The picture I had is the banner (minus the white words on it, I did those).

Leave comments? OH, and stories you'd like commented on. (note: if they are the same as the stories below: put that pleases! Thanks)


So, I'm looking for a new story (stories) to read. I'm into just about anything, so if you have a story you'd love to whore out on here, go for it!

I'm in to dark writings, romance, fanfics like Twilight [If it's Edward, I might be a little horror-stricken, but I'm a sucker for a good romance story], and much more!

I LOVE EMOTION!!! If I can feel something [A.K.A. laugh till my ribs hurt, cry till my eyes hurt, or anything that is an extreme emotion, YOUR GOOD!] :D


(Note: I promise detailed comments also :D : Now let the whoring begin!)
August 2nd, 2010 at 05:48am