Writing, Inception, cell phones, tumblr, and questions. :]

Hello there Mibbians!

It seems I have not submitted a journal lately, crazy.

Well, I've been writing like mad lately. I don't know what's come over me, but I just have that overwhelming urge to be writing at all times, not that that is a bad thing...

Hmmm, I saw Inception today! Best new movie I've seen in a while. I had a random love for Arthur, no lie, and I don't know why. Just overall a great mind-f**k movie if you like that sort of thing. I'm really into psychological thrillers.

I finished judging one of my contests, and just waiting on one entry I gave an extension to for another. I rather enjoyed the whole contest thing, so I think I will be making more in the future. :]

Also, I just got my very first cell phone about a week ago. It's nothing special, and I might be upgrading it to one with a full Qwerty keyboard sometime within the next week. Either way, I've sent about 2000 texts already, and people won't leave me alone. I have a love/hate relationship with this whole texting thing.

I also just made a tumblr! I'm new to the site, but I'm getting used to it, I'm just looking for people to follow. Which sounds SUPER CREEPY and stalker-ish, but I promise I'm not a creeper. You should add me here. I'm always looking for new friends. XD

1. What is the best psychological thriller movie you've seen?
2. What do you want to be when you grow up? XD
3. What kind of phone do you want, if any?
4. Favorite actor?
5. Favorite actress?
August 2nd, 2010 at 08:32am