Nightmare is NOT a dissapointment!

Ok, so a while back, I posted a Journal about the new a7x album Nightmare. A lot of people said "Mike Portnoy, was not a good enough drummer." ......Um wtf is wrong with you people! he's the one who inspired Jimmy to drum in the f*ckin' first place! Without Mike there would be no 'The rev' there would just be Jimmy Sullivan, do you know how boring the world would be without The Rev (even if it is just memories, at least he was here!) The world would be 'blow your brains out boring!'
Yes I know Jimmy had other idols, but think about it if mike didn't agree to fill in, a7x would break up! Mike needs to be THANKED for saving a7x!
Thank You, Mike
August 5th, 2010 at 12:14pm