Creepy Dream 2

This dream happened a few nights ago. I haven't had much time to write it because of being with my sister and then the next day we got a new addition to the family. My niece Jayden. So, i've been pretty busy. Anyhow, back to the story.

I live in a valley where a bunch of Amish live and its normally all green grass, green trees, old houses, but still nice looking. Well, in my dream I was at my house. We have a 200 year old home, but it doesn't look that old. The house is white with dark green trim around the windows and doors. We have two maple trees on each side of the house. In the backyard we have a maple tree in the middle of the yard. Then there is a bunch of grass in a 1 1/2 acre yard. Part of that acre is a little woodsy area we call the sink whole. Next, behind the driveway that is next to our house we have a 2 story high garage. Where my father builds up old cars.

Well, this was just me explaining what it normally looks like. In my dream however everything was dry. The grass was brown the trees no longer had leaves. The weird thing is that it was considerably cool outside. With a cool wind that blew the clothes and sheets on our clothes line around. The buildings and houses were all falling apart. Like creepy homes that haven't been used in years and people have just never torn it down. For some reason it felt like a normal day when both my parents were out at work. I didn't feel scared, but I did feel uneasy and I didn't know why.

I finally decided to go over and take the sheets and clothes off the line, but when I went over to grab the sheets, I blinked and they became all bloody when I opened my eyes. This freaked me out and when I turned around my friend amanda's mom was there. She doesn't live in the valley so, I had no idea why she was there. Then she started to speak and said, " He is coming. He is right down the street. Get out of here before he kills you."

I don't know what possesed me to go into my house instead of just grabbing my keys and driving away, but I went upstairs into my home. When I went upstairs everything was normal. My bed was all nice, but my room was a mess like normal. Something seemed off though. When I turned around to get out of my room and go back down the stairs. In our little hallway we have I noticed a man. In the doorway of the room across from mine. I couldn't see his face only the outline of his body and parts of his clothing and arms. The semi light coming from the windows behind him was the reason I couldn't see his face. I did notice that he was covered in blood though and it was still dripping off of him. I was terrified, but I didn't know what to do. I remember grabbing my door as he started to come towards me. Then I woke up at 6:30 in the morning. I really didn't want to sleep again, so I just stayed awake.

Then the next morning mom was waking me up because Kelly, my sister who gave birth to Jayden, was going to have her that next morning. I had rearranged my room so my bed was right beside my door. Well, my mom didn't know how she should wake me up. She whispered my named and her face was close to mine, but because of the light shining behind her I couldn't see her face. I was just about to scream bloody murder, with me flailing my arms and hands around, when she said, "Kira, it's just me. Your okay calm down." I really hadn't thought that dream affected me so much, but apparently it had.
August 5th, 2010 at 05:06pm