New Song (please don't make your own)

O.k. so i made a new song.......For my band and i worked really hard this please leave me a comment if i should change anything and please, please do not make it your own the pain i went through and the experience was really hard and i made it into a song it may not be sad but it really hurt so please don't take credit.

Not Broken, But Forgotten

Can you feel the racing heartbeat?
How about the love that we shared?
Can you feel the warm tears spilling?
How about the bullet in my, heart?!

You never gave a God**** thing to me
You never gave your heart to me
Just a joke for the s*** of it
Just leave me here to wither Away (hey)
And let it my heart keep pounding for you
You never cared for me
Only to think about the other girl of yours
Your were the one that i needed
You were to keep me dreaming
Never had a chance to be what you wanted
I gave my heart you
And you just left it there to bleed

All i ever dreamed of left forgotten
All I ever wished for crushed to pieces
Your were my dream you (were my dream)
You were my wish (my wish)
You were my everything
Now you just let be.....Broken and forgotten
You never cared for me
Only to think about the other girl of yours
Your were the one that i needed
You were to keep me dreaming
But now I lie To wither away
And not to be near you again
For my heart can bear no more.

This dream this wish will be left
To be Broken and forgotten
(withered away)
Broken and Forgotten
And Forgotten! [Theres like an extension there so me and her are gonna sing together]

Umm thanks for reading it hope you liked it and please a comment if you enjoyed it i need to know before we make it into a song/demo
August 6th, 2010 at 05:27am