The Kahtar Expirence, Featuring Dominique 'Skywalker' VW

So, I had my friend over today, for a movie marthon day of perpetual awesomeness. We had decide to watch (500) Days Of Summer, as we just love Matthew Gray Gubler. We laughed at nearly everything, even the Trailers for other movies at the begining.

We felt that it was an all around good movie. I recomened that you watch it. It was quite funny. After we finished the movie we had a lunch of Sammiches, and she showed me some star wars stuff because we're just a bunch of nerds. Then she told me she wanted to watch a horror movie that was actually scary (I don't have many of those.)

Nonetheless, we searched for a good Horror movie to watch. We decided on a movie that i had gotten for easter and hadn't even touched. It was Called Urban legends. It was pretty good, the killer went around killing people mimicking Urban Legends.

Anyway my friend Dominique, she got a little scared. She would jump everytime the music made a loud noise, she'd freak when the kill was behind the characters, and she screamed (But in awe) at the dead bodies.

Me however... I didn't jump, I didn't freak, and I didn't scream at all. But I did do all three when the characters opened a door, and saw something.
It was...
It was..
A COAT! AHHHh/sarcasm.

Yea it was a coat. The same coat the killer had been wearing before so I thought it was the killer and I wasn't expecting that.

I thought it was funny me and my friend laughed at it for a while. And yeah that was our day. :)
Quite a great way to end our summer.
September 6th, 2010 at 06:59am