What a lame week. I bet you can beat this. (Writing Prompt #22)

I have NEVER been so happy for a Friday to come. This is actually kind of sad, considering I only had a four day week this week. Next week is the full five days...oh joy.

Anyways, Labor Day was uneventful for the most part. My eyes were watering all day, that was actually the first thing I remembered, haha. They were watering almost ALL week, but I think they're okay now. If anyone cares about my dysfunctional eyes. My father took me to go get Invisible Monsters by Chuck Palahniuk, and everyone at the store was just warning me about it. It's a really weird book, but the only book of his that I haven't read yet. I even read the new one, which wasn't one of my favorites. I sort of didn't like it. You need to step it up, Chuck!

Tuesday was a back to school day. Ew. I had a migraine all day, so I complained all day. I'm really annoying if you know me in real life... Math was, well math. Biology was pretty normal as far as I remember. At lunch we fit around fifteen people at one small round table with six chairs. Figure that one out. German was nerve-wracking because that boy that I like is that class. He makes me nervous whenever he's in close proximity, except we've been talking more and more, so I'm getting better at hiding it. Psychology was probably pretty epic, it always is. I think we spoke about one of the other teachers that a lot of girls find really hot, even though I can't agree. I'm picky, what can I say.

Wednesday is hump day, and I don't like hump day. Math was still, well math. Biology was obnoxious because we were on the internet for research, or rather slacking off. This time for lunch we only had seven people and six chairs, there was so much room! German we talked about Yankee Doodle and how a man with that name must go both ways. Yeah, my teacher is interesting... Psychology we listened to Beck in class. Good stuff, good stuff.

Today was a sucky day, no lie. Another migraine, I'm getting really sick of them. Not to mention, it was bad enough that I couldn't see straight, but I'm one of those kids that insists on going to school sick because I don't like making up work. Math just sucks, just throwing it out there. I'm not a fan, but I'm good at it, so in more math classes I stay. Biology was boring and a waste of time because it was just group work on an unnecessary component. I found out I get to dissect a pig fetus in January. This actually sounds interesting, even though a lot of people are grossed out by it. I've never had a problem with dissecting stuff.

At lunch there was a random gaping hole in the wall by our table, so naturally we were completely amused by it the entire time. German we talked about how people who are high need munchies, and Psychology we had reading assignments so it wasn't actually fun. Not to mention, Psychology homework assignments aren't supposed to make you cry. I cried because we had to do an introspection journal, meaning we had to look back and name people and events that made us who we are. We'll just say that the vast majority of my events may have changed me for the better, but were completely depressing topics, and I just cracked in the middle of writing it. Now I'm not in too great of a mood.

So yeah, that's pretty much my big super exciting week. Can you beat that? How was your week? :]
September 10th, 2010 at 04:48am